"Now that's how it's supposed to work!"
I wetsand a fair amount of automotive paint . Upon using Abranet® Soft for the first time, I was truly blown away. Finally, a disc that cuts level and resists hydroplaning! I literally caught myself nodding enthusiastically while thinking, “Now that’s how it’s supposed to work!”
The mesh design of Abranet® Soft has many benefits. Working with wood or drywall? Dust and abraded residue can be vacuumed away from the sanding surface via the holes in the mesh. This results in a cleaner work environment, less packing of the disc face, and a huge reduction in surface pig-tailing and marring. Since the discs stay clean, they last longer.
Using the discs for wet sanding? Lubricating liquids easily migrate to and from the work surface using the holes in the mesh as a passageway to the attached foam layer. The foam serves triple-duty, as it increases contourability of the disc, helps to evenly distribute applied pressure, and retains lubricating liquid so you can sand longer. I could go on and on about the benefits of Abranet® Soft, but I'll stop... for now!
Throughout this site, there is a lot of discussion pertaining to the leveing ability and contourability of a disc. For the record:
Leveling ability is the potential ability of a disc to plane a surface flat (or true).
Contourability is the potential ability of a disc to conform to curved or complex shapes.
In terms of leveling power and contourability, Abranet Soft discs deliver the best of BOTH worlds. By choosing the ideal interface pad and varying machine speed, Abranet Soft discs become extremely versatile! Although Abranet Soft discs utilize a thin foam backing, it only minimally affects leveling power, and can actually improve it on curved surfaces. Compared to film-backed discs featuring a similar grit size and backing thickness, here is how Abranet Soft discs rank:
Thanks to its net mesh backing, Abranet Soft discs work well wet or dry, and stay clean longer than traditional film-backed discs. Once to try this disc, you'll better understand why they are so darned popular!