Rupes Detailing Liquids
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Rupes Detailing Liquids. The beginning of something good.
L301 | Leather Fast Cleaner delicately cleans and protects all varieties of leather (protection is very light). When used in conjunction with one of the (4) included melamine cleaning sponges, cleaning action is rapid. Please be certain to test on an inconspicuous area when using with the melamine sponge, as certain materials may discolor, or scour. (500mL / 16.9oz)
D401 | Glass Cleaner features is a high-viscosity gel formula, which allows for a bit of extra "cling time" when sprayed onto interior & exterior glass surfaces. A quick test blast of D401 indicated a mild cleaning action (seemed gentle), without a strong chemical scent. Ready-to-use mixture, however, it would very likely achieve a similar result in diluted form, particularly in warmer climates. (500mL / 16.9oz)
M501 | Multi-Purpose Degreaser is safe for use on all interior and exterior surfaces. It is truly designed as an all purpose cleaner. M501 is shipped with one seriously stout, heavy duty scrub towel (no-nap microfiber, I think). Ready-to-use mixture, but as is the case with virtually all cleaning products, dilution via water generally delivers a satisfactory cleaning result on lightly soiled materials. (500mL / 16.9oz)
C701 | Wheel Fast Cleaner features a color changing action as it dissolves iron oxide particulate. As its name implies, it works fast! For the time being, count C701 as being in the category of the latest generation of wheel cleaners: color changing, safe for use on all wheel surfaces. As usual, please be certain to test on an inconspicuous area when dealing with sensitive wheel finishes, such as anodizded aluminum, or polished aluminum surfaces, especially cast-&-polished such as the center caps on old-style Boyds or Prime wheels. (1 liter / 33.8 oz.)